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Your great destiny for this life - How do you find it?

Donna Jordan

The saying goes, “All experiences are pre-determined. Nothing is coincidence. The only thing we have is free will so we need to use ours in a positive way”.

“So I don’t have a choice” I hear you say? That’s right. From the time it was decided that you would take another birth, all your experiences, karma and samskaras were decided upon. You created your body. Yes, you created your body and you chose your parents. Yes, you did that too so no complaining. There’s actually no-one to blame but yourself. Then down you came to begin again, with the potential to “get it right this time”. So let’s talk about potential.

No-one has the potential for everything and every experience. You decided what your great destiny was going to be for this lifetime, so the potential for some experiences are just not there. Everyone does not have the potential to do everything because of the choices you made before birth. Think about your life so far, there just has not been the potential for everything — some things were just “not meant to be”. Let’s think of it just from a physical sense, perhaps the easiest to get our head around. When you created your body you created it to be the vehicle to your experiences.

If you needed the experiences of having a disability then you will have the body that substantiates those necessary experiences. If you have a weaker lower body, but great upper body strength, then you probably are correct to rule champion weight lifter out as a career. If you don’t and stubbornly try anyway, you are condemning yourself to much disappointment and in the end anger, frustration and ultimately depression.

If being a champion at some sport is your goal then wouldn’t you be better to move into the field of Gymnastics instead, where upper body strength is a key component? The same with our minds, some have inquiring minds, some are happy just to do their job and not question. Some have high IQ’s, some have lower. Whatever we are, we are perfect for what we need in this lifetime.

The trouble is, we don’t see it that way. We always want to be someone else or be something different. Has there ever been a time in your life where you were completely happy with who you are and what you have? Maybe for a fleeting second and then it was gone.

We constantly try to battle against the flow of our lives. Instead of going with the paths that have the least resistance, we stubbornly take up the path with the hurdles and obstacles in the misguided belief that this is making us stronger, because we are going to win, and we will be the ones to conquer all. What we are really doing is taking ourselves further and further away from our soul’s purpose. Going against the flow usually leads to anger, resentment, bitterness, jealousy, envy and a whole range of other negative emotions. This will eventually lead to depression and anxiety, or worse.

Metaphysically, depression is abject disappointment and anxiety is a fear of the future, not believing that someone or something else is in control. Doesn’t it stand to reason that if we just concentrated on what was right for us and went with the flow of our lives, then we would have the success, happiness and contentment we so desperately want and not be trapped in the mire of disappointment? I hear your argument, and no of course we just don’t look for the easy road and become lazy and unmotivated. But when we come across the inevitable crossroads we should always question our motives. We should ask if it is truly what will make us happy and if it is truly in line with our soul’s intention. We should meditate on every decision we need to make when we are faced with life decisions and not just what we are going to have for breakfast tomorrow. I have been faced with many life decisions in my life and if I have made them with a sense of what is right for me and if it is truly coming from a place of love and not ego then the outcome has always been good. I always ask the universal energy for guidance and I have always been shown an answer. It is always a case of watching and listening and the right path will be shown to you. If we make life decisions based on ego and material want and desire then the outcome will reflect the intent. How many times has this happened to you already? Our intent has been either money based or ego based. I want to have that job because then I can have a big house and car etc. It doesn’t matter how unhappy I am going to be

I have been faced with many life decisions in my life and if I have made them with a sense of what is right for me and if it is truly coming from a place of love and not ego then the outcome has always been good. I always ask the universal energy for guidance and I have always been shown an answer. It is always a case of watching and listening and the right path will be shown to you. If we make life decisions based on ego and material want and desire then the outcome will reflect the intent. How many times has this happened to you already? Our intent has been either money based or ego based. I want to have that job because then I can have a big house and car etc. It doesn’t matter how unhappy I am going to be in the job, the money will make it all worthwhile. It didn’t, did it? I want to have that partner because they are “hot”. It doesn’t matter that they are totally wrong for you in every way. The superficial looks are more important. That didn’t work so well either did it? Of course, you have the free will to take the wrong turn and to go in another direction because that’s what free will is all about. Life gives you experiences, some we perceive as positive, some we perceive as negative. All have one thing in common, they are about learning. We should always take the learning from the experience and leave the emotion behind. If we can do that we would see every experience as a positive learning and we would be free to move on to the next one. What happens far too often is we get so caught up in the emotion that it drags us down further and further until we are stuck with only negative thoughts and we never move to the next step. We get experiences at the negative level we are on. It’s a long way back from there. The universal energy is not concerned for you as your mother would be, it just wants you to learn and evolve back to the source with less

Of course, you have the free will to take the wrong turn and to go in another direction because that’s what free will is all about. Life gives you experiences, some we perceive as positive, some we perceive as negative. All have one thing in common, they are about learning. We should always take the learning from the experience and leave the emotion behind. If we can do that we would see every experience as a positive learning and we would be free to move on to the next one. What happens far too often is we get so caught up in the emotion that it drags us down further and further until we are stuck with only negative thoughts and we never move to the next step. We get experiences at the negative level we are on. It’s a long way back from there.

The universal energy is not concerned for you as your mother would be, it just wants you to learn and evolve back to the source with less samskaras and karma. It has never been a case of he who dies with the most material possessions or money in the bank wins. Nor has it been the one with the most negative samskaras such as self-pity and martyrdom. Doing everything for people and sacrificing yourself does not make you the winner. In fact it will probably make you very sick even to the point of giving yourself cancer or some other sinister disease. Remember dis-ease is the subconscious trying to tell you to love yourself more and to come from a place of love and not self-sacrifice.

Ultimately everyone needs to see how important love of the self is. We are all trying to reach self-realisation, but we will never get there if we don’t put the oxygen mask on first. It is my belief we can’t change our karma but we can deal with it differently by looking at every situation that is presented to us in a positive manner and not a negative one. Therefore if we take the lesson and not get involved with the emotion we will play out that karmic experience, not create any more and then we can move on to the next experience. How many times do you think you have reacted negatively to a situation and instead of ending the karma we have added more to our storehouse?

Our experiences always give us the opportunity to lessen the karmic load our soul has and move on. Far too often we do the opposite. Don’t you think it’s time to look at your life a little differently? After all, it is the definition of stupidity to do the same thing time and time again and expect a different result. Next time you are faced with an experience or you are at a crossroads, stop and ask yourself these questions. What could I do differently? Is this decision good for my soul’s journey? Is this in keeping with my great destiny for this lifetime?

Remember, one thing we all have the potential to do is succeed.

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